Communicative skills of a teacher-choreographer as a means of students forming emotional and aesthetic experience


Klimenko A. V.1ORCID


1. Tambov State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after S.V. Rachmaninov


Importance. Changes in society entail the presentation of new requirements for the teacher as a specialist and personality. Today, teaching Internet-dependent students who require little communication is a specialized skill that demands emotionally intense communicative skills from teachers aimed at engaging them in a productive educational process. The communicative skills of the choreographer-teacher should contribute to the emotional and aesthetic experience formation of students. This experience is formed in the interaction process between a teacher and a student, subject to correction of age-related, individual socially conditioned deformations of the students’ personality. The purpose of the study is to establish the need for developing the communicative skills of a choreographer teacher as an effective way to enhance the emotional and aesthetic development of students.Research Methods. The following methods are used: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, systematization and comparison, generalization of the author’s experience, observation, which enabled the substantiation of the emotionally and aesthetically saturated communicative component of the teacher’s activity as a leader in the process of forming the emotional and aesthetic experience of students and a dance group. On the basis of the main provisions of the systemic, cultural, activity-centered, personality-focused approaches, the development of interrelated blocks of personality qualities and properties in the emotionally saturated communicative learning process is shown: cognitive, psychological-dynamic and morally significant.Results and Discussion. It is proved that the teacher’s communicative skill are the key to achieving high educational and outcomes through the varied methods’ use of interaction with students. These skills are essential for effectively addressing their socio-psychological and personal issues. The direct correlation between the learning process results and the teacher's competence level in emotional and aesthetic communication with students has been established. A specialized course has been designed for choreographers to enhance their emotional and aesthetic component of communicative skills, which encompasses psychological, dynamic, and moral aspects of personality development.Conclusion. Based on the results of theoretical and empirical research, the structure of an emotionally saturated, aesthetic communicative aspect of the pedagogical skill of a choreographer teacher has been developed. Success in the formation of the modern students’ emotional and aesthetic experience is achievable provided that there is a high level of communicative skills of the teacher, the formation of which is facilitated by the developed special course “Enhancing the communicative skills of a choreographer teacher”. 


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin

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