Principles of foreign language teaching based on artificial intelligence technologies


Evstigneev M. N.1ORCID


1. Derzhavin Tambov State University


Importance. The widespread use of artificial intelligence technologies affects the language education system. In the few years since the advent of artificial intelligence technology, it has transformed from a theoretical concept into a dynamic force that changes ideas about classical language education. The transition to digital didactics defines new types of relationships between participants in the educational process: the teacher, the student, the educational environment and new technologies. Accordingly, the role of the teacher and the content of didactic and methodological principles of teaching a foreign language using artificial intelligence technologies are changing. The integration of artificial intelligence technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language, on the one hand, indicates the intensification of the educational process and automation of a number of pedagogical tasks, and, on the other hand, the imperfection of new technologies and potential risks and challenges when using them in practice. The main purpose of the research is to define and describe the principles of teaching a foreign language based on artificial intelligence technologies, acting as a full-fledged individual assistant for each student.Research Methods. To conduct research in the field of linguodidactics, an integrated approach is used, including theoretical and empirical methods. At the first stage of the research, theoretical methods are used, including the study of scientific literature on the research topic, analysis, generalization and classification of the information received. At the second stage of the study, empirical methods are applied, including observation and description.Definition of Concepts. Two key concepts of “artificial intelligence technologies” and “neural networks” are considered, and neural networks are classified by type of architecture and scope of application.Results and Discussion. The use of hybrid forms of learning makes it possible to use artificial intelligence technologies as an effective tool for teaching a foreign language right now. Artificial intelligence technologies play a leading role in digital didactics, allowing you to personalize the learning process and enhance the importance of students’ learning autonomy. Digital didactics, based on traditional didactic and methodological principles, involves the implementation of the following principles of learning: the principle of expediency, the principle of contextual learning, the principle of interactivity, the principle of accessibility, the principle of personalization of learning, the principle of multimodality, the principle of gamification, the principle of inclusive assessment.Conclusion. A system of principles of teaching a foreign language based on artificial intelligence technologies is presented, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in relation to digital didactics. It is worth noting that this system of principles is open and can be supplemented with new learning principles, as well as the content of these principles may change with the development of artificial intelligence technologies. The results obtained can be used in further research on the integration of artificial intelligence technologies into language education, as well as in the methodology of teaching foreign languages based on modern technologies.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin







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