Development of foreign language subject competence of a student of a technical university in the framework of the implementation of content and language integrated learning


Kolotaeva Anna Y.1ORCID,Khalyapina Liudmila P.1ORCID


1. Peter the Great Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University


In the theory and methods of foreign language teaching, the development of the integration of language and subject competencies is increasingly becoming the leading goal of teaching, and a competency-based approach is being implemented in the process of training graduates of higher educational institutions. This approach, first of all, is aimed at strengthening the practice-oriented vector in education. In this regard, the implementation of CLIL technology (content and language integrated learning) is becoming very popular in higher education. The study substantiates the need to develop foreign language subject competence among students of the interdisciplinary direction of training “Industrial Management” on the basis of Peter the Great Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University. A comparative analysis of the approaches of various researchers in the framework of the implementation of the competence-based approach is made, the problems of developing the component composition of foreign language subject competence are described. As subcompetencies of foreign language subject competence, the following were defined and described: linguistic, subject, communicative, cognitive and intercultural components. The indicators of achieving a given level of mastering each component of a foreign language subject competence are described through descriptions of the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities. Methods for assessing the development of individual subcompetences of foreign language subject competence were also established and described. It is substantiated that the development of the subject foreign language communicative competence of students of a technical higher educational institution in the framework of the implementation of content and language integrated learning is an effective tool in the framework of the modern educational space and can be considered as an advanced learning experience.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Ocean Engineering

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