Modern approaches to career guidance of school students


Prokhorov Andrey V.1ORCID


1. Derzhavin Tambov State University


We consider the current formats of career guidance work, which, firstly, are focused on solving the problem of attracting applicants to universities, secondly, take into account the interests of students and contribute to conscious professional self-determination, and thirdly, take into account the labor market situation. The solution of these problems is possible as a result of the systematic organization of career guidance, the key subject of which is the university, while ensuring interaction in the triad “school – university – employer”. Within the framework of the university, career guidance work can be of a tiered nature and be carried out at the level of an educational program, department, institute/faculty, university. Domestic and foreign experience indicates the need to increase the depth of career guidance work, which is facilitated by the format of the “kids university”, in which students of primary and secondary schools get acquainted with professional areas. One of the urgent problems of career guidance work with school students is to increase their involvement in the proposed activities. The involvement and, as a result, the effectiveness of career guidance work makes it possible to increase its practical nature (trainings, master classes, professional tests), the use of a competitive component (olympiads, grant competitions), the use of game components (gamification elements) in career guidance events.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin

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1. Designing diagnostic tools for the organization of differentiated professional orientation of high school students in pedagogical fields;Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities;2024-06-28

2. Career Bot for Career Prediction of Higher Secondary Students using Decision Tree;International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology;2024-05-24

3. A Classification System of Career Guidance Questions Based on Natural Language Processing and Supervised Machine Learning Techniques;2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (IRASET);2023-05-18

4. Professional test as a tool of career guidance work;Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities;2023







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