Formation of foreign language written and speech competence of students of linguistic directions in the conditions of learning in cooperation


Dashkina Alexandra I.1ORCID


1. Peter the Great Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University


The definition of written and speech competence is given, and criteria for its formation, such as the ability to fully disclose the topic; consistency, reasonableness and consistency of presentation; the variety of vocabulary and the correctness of its use, as well as the correctness, complexity and variety of grammatical structures are proposed. Various forms of joint classroom and extracurricular educational and cognitive activities in the preparation of a writing practice are considered, such as discussion of the essay topic, mutual verification and mutual spelling and punctuation dictation, preparation of presentations on new material. The scheme of organization of joint classroom and extracurricular activities of students in the preparation of assignments for written practice has been developed, described and tested. According to given scheme, students work in small groups in MS Teams, preparing presentations explaining various aspects of essay writing, developing control questions and practical tasks for other students, as well as discussing possible ideas for the next essay. An experiment that demonstrates a higher efficiency of the formation of written-speech competence of students of linguistic directions in the conditions of learning in cooperation is described. Students of the experimental group prepared tasks in small groups leading discussions in MS Teams, while in the control group, students worked individually, performing the same tasks as in the experimental group. Higher scores for final essays in the experimental group are explained by a deeper study of the material due to its discussion with other members of the small group and the development of a clear argument through discussions on the topics of upcoming essays, as well as through mutual verification of written works, allowing students to critically approach their own works.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Ocean Engineering

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