Pedagogical model of development of value orientations of students in the conditions of Internet socialization


Chvanova Marina S.1ORCID,Kiselyova Irina A.2ORCID


1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

2. Derzhavin Tambov State University


The pedagogical model of the developing of value orientations of students in the context of Internet socialization is presented. The content of the cognitive component includes values-relationships (with the professional Internet community) and values-knowledge (of digital tech-nologies of professional activity and knowledge of the functional capabilities of the Internet envi-ronment for executing professional tasks), which determine the significance of professional Inter-net environment for students (the semantic component of the profession in conditions of Internet socialization and the instability of the world of professions). The emotional component represented by values-goals (the desire to achieve a high level of realization of professional needs in the Internet environment and confidence in self-realization in the future world of professions) and values-results (Internet socialization in the professional environment, satisfaction in achieving professional needs) indicate the satisfaction of students’ needs in the professional Internet envi-ronment. The behavioral component is based on values-qualities (quick professional adaptation and self-adaptation in the changing world of professions using the functionality of the Internet en-vironment) and values-skills (using Internet technologies and realizing oneself in the profession), which allow analyzing the individual’s desire for realization in the professional sphere. On the ba-sis of the identified components, the corresponding criteria for assessing the professional and value orientations of students in the conditions of internet socialization are justified. In addition, the proposed elements of professional and value orientations that are most sensitive to transformation in this context are identified.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin

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