Theoretical and legal characteristics of modern global challenges and threats in the field of healthcare


Kholikov Ivan V.1ORCID


1. The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Russian Federation Government


The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the international legal characterization of modern challenges and threats in the field of public health. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the international situation as a whole cannot be characterized as favorable. Demographic problems are growing in the world, poverty, hunger, lack of drinking water are becoming more and more widespread. The question of the emergence of new and the return of already seemingly conquered diseases is acute. Epidemics and pandemics have a complex of causes, conditions and consequences of a political, medical, technological, psychological, economic, social and organizational nature. It is substantiated that one of the real trends in social practice is the problem of the spread of epidemics, pandemics and mass diseases as a possible basis for the international responsibility of states and international organizations. An important legal aspect is the use of the actions of individual states and international organizations. One of the ways out of the crisis is seen in the constant and timely strengthening of national health systems, on the basis of which it was concluded that this will ensure early forecasting of emerging threats, the development of appropriate measures and their localization.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


General Medicine

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