1. Derzhavin Tambov State University
The study examines the demographic policy of public health in the COVID-19 pandemic in the Tambov Region. Since the health of citizens is the supreme value, creation of modern, flexible and efficient health care system is the most important element of state policy and national security. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to serious changes in the trajectory of demographic development in the Tambov Region. These changes not only affect the reproduction of the population, but also lead to the aggravation of many social and economic problems. In this regard, the research purpose is to systematize health care practices in the Tambov Region. Materials and methods of research. The research methods in this article involve systematization of materials describing global demographic trends in the COVID-19 pandemic that have characterized population reproduction in recent decades, collection and evaluation of existing medical evidence. Results. The economics of the COVID-19 pandemic are significantly affected by increased morbidity and mortality, declining fertility and, consequently, population growth, life expectancy, and changes in other demographic parameters. The issues associated with the pandemic-induced change in the trajectory of demographic development and its socioeconomic consequences have been studied by researchers around the world. Conclusions. We analyze the general demographic situation in the Tambov Region during the COVID-19 pandemic. Weaknesses are identified and recommendations for improving the demographic situation in the new coronavirus infection are given. An important aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic analysis is morbidity and mortality in the region. Estimates of the magnitude and specificity of these demographic changes are also presented in terms of gender and age.
Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin
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