1. Derzhavin Tambov State University
We analyze methods for providing multicomponent anesthesia for postoperative surgical patients in the practice of an anesthesiologist. In the last decade, the number of surgical interventions has been growing, surgical techniques and methods of anesthesia have been improved. In practiced anesthesia various drugs are injected into the patient's bloodstream or through a mask, completely turning off his consciousness. Methods of prophylactic pain relief allow to reduce the intensity of postoperative pain and contribute to the prevention of chronic postoperative pain syndrome. Currently, there have been significant changes in the range of anesthetics. Opioid analgesics and non-opioid analgesics of central action are used for pain relief, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and local anesthesia are also widely used. Superficial or application anesthesia is possible. In operations on the lower extremities, spinal and epidural anesthesia techniques and their modifications are becoming more widespread. Complex (multimodal) pain relief tactics involves the use of a combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, local anesthetics, centrally acting analgesics and drugs acting at the level of nerve impulse conduction. It should be used throughout the entire period of existence of the zone of damaged tissues until the final healing.
Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin