The role of regional media in urban community development


Klemenova Elena N.1ORCID,Fedoseeva Natalia I.1ORCID


1. Rostov State University of Economics


The relevance and novelty of the research are due to the insufficient study of the urban content phenomenon published on the pages of regional mass media. The purpose of the research is to determine the role of regional publications in urban community development, their involvement in the communicative space of urban environment. The empirical research material for the work is Rostov region mass media, including representatives of regional, district, city and corporate publications, as well as urban content produced by them. For the research, 7 periodicals are selected and 1550 publications of an urban nature are analyzed. The leading method of this research is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the urban content of Rostov region press. The research formulates the conclusions that all the considered types of regional publications occupy an important place in the existing processes of urban media communication. The study also revealed that among the publications of the Rostov region, the regional media demonstrate unconditional involvement in the process of urban community development. More effective than other types of publications, they cover the problems of urbanization at different levels and influence the formation of public opinion, decision-making aimed at sustainable development of cities and the region as a whole.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


General Medicine

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