Features of network video content naming


Sterlikov Dmitry A.1ORCID


1. Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies


The active development of new media and the growth of their influence on the traditional media provokes interest in this sector on the part of researchers. And in connection with the activation of the consumption of audiovisual information, the video blogging sector is attracting more and more attention. The latter develops in a highly competitive environment. A blogger faces a difficult task – to win the attention of the audience in competition with other bloggers, platforms and reality. One of the means of solving this problem is naming. The name of the video content is able to attract an audience to it and promote the channel. The study analyzes the methods and techniques, which are used by the most popular video bloggers of Russian-speaking sector of the Internet in the field of naming. The conditions for the primary attraction of attention, as well as the means of emotional impact that bloggers use most often, are given.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


General Medicine

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