1. Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
We describe the established relationship between linguoecology and emotioology, which is manifested in the emergence and development of emotive linguoecology. We substantiate the use “ecology” concept in the refraction of emotivity. We consider the influence of emotivity on the boundaries of ecology. The material of the work is an artistic emotive text, on the example of which its ecology is established by the method of emotive analysis. As an assumption, the follow-ing is accepted: emotive analysis is universally applicable to any text, both in terms of its func-tional, stylistic, and genre affiliation, and in terms of its temporal relevance; ecology of the text is related to the emotional motivation of its author and is determined by the rating sign of emotives in the text. The main result of the work is to clarify the emotional coordinates of ecology by refer-ring to the role of emotions as the motivational basis of all human activity. The work concludes that ecology is manifested in the emotional motivation of the author who produces an emotive text. We noted why the relationship between emotive and ecological linguistics ensures their mutual development and resilience. We list the main emotive perspectives of linguoecology and linguoecological perspectives of emotionology. We predict the possibilities of their further integration.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin
Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics
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