“Talking” clothing as a new way of communication: the manifestation of English language in Russian postmodernism reality


Efremova Alla E.1ORCID


1. Transbaikal State University


We consider the phenomenon of conducting communication process through the inscriptions on clothing. The specific feature of this phenomenon is the growing popularity of the English language in Russia, the globalization of its use for various purposes, including the way of writing texts on clothing in English for the Russian consumer. For the first time this phenomenon is studied in the perspective of the interaction of language and culture in the conditions of postmodernism as one of the new ways of communication on a global scale, a way of spreading and popularizing the English language in Russia by the method of visual language – transmitting messages, meanings, different types of verbal and non-verbal when using digital printing technologies on fabric. We make an attempt to understand this method of text transmission through the coordinated management of meaning theory by Barnett Pearce and Vernon Cronen, the theory of communication by N. Luhmann, the five-stage model of communication by H. Lasswell. Common features of the communication development both via the Internet and using this method of text transmission are revealed.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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