1. Penza State University
Television content is analyzed in terms of the problem of ethnoculture media representation of the peoples of Russia. The polyethnic composition of the Russian Federation, the vectors of modern state national policy, the state’s attention to the ethnoculture of the peoples of Russia, which in a special way manifested itself in the initiative of the President of Russia to declare the Year of the Cultural Heritage of the peoples of Russia, update the study of the role of the media in the context of popularizing the ethnocultural diversity of our country, dissemination of knowledge about the history and unique culture of the peoples of Russia. To achieve the goal of the study – to determine the genre-format and functional principle of providing information about ethnoculture – the method of qualitative analysis of television programs, typological analysis, and institutional approach are used. The results of the study can be applied in the field of ethnopolitical science and within the framework of the discipline “Ethnojournalism”, the study of which is required by the curricula of a number of Russian universities. We reveal the ethnoculture representation features of the peoples of Russia on the universal television channels “Russia 1”, “Channel One” and the thematic channel “Culture”. We identify that in the segment of the first category of TV channels, ethnocultural topics are presented mainly in the plots and reports of infotainment and information-analytical programs, in the broadcast network of the “Culture” channel, the topic of ethnoculture forms the basis of serial documentary projects. This approach is in line with the direction of the channel and the educational function that conceptually dominates its work.
Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin
Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics
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