1. Voronezh State Technical University
The relevance of this research is determined by the growing interest in folk language – the history keeper and the representative of modern knowledge about man. The fixation of unofficial names that mark the linguistic personality in the rural society allows one to see the existing forms of communication and relationships within the collective. The purpose of this study is to describe anthroponymic units that name male according to known facts, imitation of famous people, heroes or similarities to them, nationality or adherents of religion, event or fact from life, culinary preferences in the patois of Vysoky village Talovsky district of Voronezh region, determining the meaning, detection of names-metaphors, clarification of part-of-speech affiliation, emotional as-sessment and productive word-formation suffixes. Rural male unofficial names became the subject of analysis. The object of research is the folk patois. In the course of work, 40 names are identified, represented by 4 thematic groups. It is proven that the most productive are anthroponyms based on known facts, imitating famous people, unproductive – nicknames based on nationality. The names-metaphors with the meanings contained in them correspond to different nominations: berry, flour culinary product, sweet food, leader of the proletariat, leader of the USSR, President of the United States, heroes and director of a film and cartoon, character of a poem, gladiator, general, hockey player, actor and many others. etc. A few nicknames are indicated that cause positive associations associated with state officials and famous people. Names with a negative emotional assessment, causing condemnation by the villagers, are noted. Among the productive ways of word formation are the suffix and the transition from one part of speech to another. The conclusion is made: only indigenous people are carriers of the considered anthroponymic units. The use of street names in your team allows you to maintain a peculiar form of communication, which differs in its norms and rules, throughout a person’s life.
Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin
Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics
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