The conceptual lexeme “Sukhodol” as a component of the author’s linguistic world picture in the short novel of the same name by I.A. Bunin


Sarkisyan Olga B.1ORCID,Dubova Marina A.1ORCID


1. State University of Humanities and Social Studies


The ways of lexical representation of the spatial continuum as a component of the author’s linguistic world picture in the story by the neorealist writer I.A. Bunin “Sukhodol” are analyzed. Thus, the object of research is the concept of “Space”. The subject of research interest is the conceptual lexeme “Sukhodol”, which objectifies the spatial component of the author’s linguistic world picture in the story of the same name by I.A. Bunin. The concept of “Space” takes an important place in cognitive linguistics, therefore the relevance of the article, which consists in addressing the problem of lexical means of representing the world-modeling universal and the method of its description, is beyond doubt. The aim of the study is to identify the linguistic mechanisms of objectification of space in the short novel “Sukhodol”, formed by the toponym of the same name. The designated research goal is implemented in a number of tasks, consisting in the analysis of the peculiarities of the functioning of the toponym “Sukhodol” and its derivatives, in the identification and analysis of their role in the formation of the author’s linguistic world picture. The conclusion substantiates that the author’s linguistic world picture, an important component of which is space, has a conceptual nature, objectified by a system of individual means of lexical representation, an important place among which belongs to the conceptual lexeme “Sukhodol”. The materials of the article can find practical application in university courses on textual criticism, cognitive linguistics, and linguistic text analysis.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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