This study examines childhood experiences and the relationship with the family of origin as predictive variables for positive childbearing motivation (PCM). It was conducted through analyses using the method of Multigroup Structural Equation Modeling, which were conducted on a Peruvian sample (n = 1494, 72.2% females) and a Brazilian sample (n = 1507; 84.0% females). The results indicate that the variables caring of younger siblings and family adaptation are statistically significant predictors of PCM in both countries, while the variable number of siblings did not emerge as a predictor in either case. Family autonomy emerged as a predictor only in Brazil, and birth order only in Peru. Multigroup analysis shows that the difference in the effects of “family adaptation” and “family autonomy” on PCM is moderated by the country of origin. In summary, this study provides empirical evidence that family variables predictPCM and highlights the moderating effect of the country of origin in the analyzed samples.
Editorial Universidad Catolica de Colombia
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