Digital Transformation in Beekeeping to Carrying Beehives into the Future






Today, dynamic elements such as producer/consumer supply, demand, presentation, marketing and transportation transformed by technology; It has initiated a rapid change and transformation process in beekeeping, food production and agriculture sectors. Beekeeping activities; Today, it faces challenges such as climate change, disease threats, loss of habitat and bee colonies, and pesticides. It has become necessary to switch to digital transformation for the future, sustainability, efficiency, competitiveness of beekeeping and the general health of the agricultural sector. The digital transformation movement in beekeeping is a movement to bring together traditional beekeeping with modern technologies. This article explores the importance and impact of digital transformation in the beekeeping industry from the perspective of the management information systems (MIS) field. It is aimed to discuss how the transformation can be supported in terms of management information systems and what kind of road map should be followed for future studies. Digital beekeeping; It improves the productivity of bees, monitors the health of bee colonies and optimizes decision-making processes. It also creates positive effects on plant diversity in the agricultural sector and world ecosystem health. The basis of this transformation is industry 4.0, such as IoT, sensors, big data, data management, data analysis, data mining, data security, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. These technologies can be used for disease monitoring, early diagnosis, pollination and plant flowering monitoring. It is thought that this transformation will have positive effects on both beekeepers and environmental factors and will make significant contributions to progress in this field and a more sustainable future.


International Journal of Nature and Life Sciences

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