
Potapchuk A.M.,Almashi V.M.,Onipko Ye.L.,Rak Yu.V.,Melnyk Yu.O.


The article presents a comparative analysis of the periimplant bone tissue level reduction indicator in parallel with the study of the success and survival levels of implants installed according to the protocols of immediate, early and delayed implantation with the search for possible statistical or trend associations between the studied parameters described in the preselected pool of scientific works. The purpose of the study is to analyze the differences in the change in periimplant bone tissue reduction indicators under the conditions of implementation of immediate and delayed implantation protocols, as criteria for its prognosis and assessment of success in the process of remote monitoring. Research materials and methods. The search for relevant scientific publications was carried out using the Google Academy search engine, ensuring the ranking of the obtained results according to the criteria of research depth, the completeness of the correspondence of keywords to the title and content of the abstracts of publications, as well as the number of citations in the structure of previously conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The grouping of the results and the assessment of the level and significance of statistical dependencies between the separated parameters of the study were carried out in the Microsoft Excel 2019 table editor software (Microsoft Office 2019). Research results and their discussion. The level of bone tissue reduction in the peri-implant area is one of the determining criteria for the success of installed dental implants in the immediate and remote periods of monitoring, which were previously proposed by many domestic and foreign authors. Existing methods of registering the decrease in the vertical parameters of the bone ridge adjacent to the surface of installed titanium intraosseous supports provide opportunities not only for the numerical calculation of the difference in indicators at different periods of observation, but also for their quantification in the form of calculating the volume loss of bone, its circular reduction, visualization of the geometry of existing saucer-like defects. The value of the index of loss of bone tissue in the periimplant area as a criterion for the success of implantation also increases in cases of complex interpretation of its changes with a number of other studied parameters, such as the cumulative index of survival and success of implants, the relative risk of various forms of complications, statistical associations with potentially determining factors of influence. It is the complex approach to the interpretation of the registered differences between the indicators of the reduction of the level of periimplant bone tissue in the cases of implementation of the protocols of immediate and delayed implantation with the search for possible associations between this criterion and a number of potentially influential factors that ensured the detailed analysis of previously published data. Conclusions. As a result of a detailed analysis, it was possible to establish that the data of previously conducted studies devoted to the comparison of clinical criteria for the effectiveness of the implementation of immediate and other protocols of dental implantation do not allow formulating an unequivocal conclusion regarding the pronounced difference of the investigated indicators during different periods of observation.


The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine

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