1. 1) 欧州 RoHS 指令:Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, Official Journal of the European Union, 13.2.2003, L 37/19
欧州 WEEE 指令:Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE), Official Journal of the European Union, 13.2.2003, L 37/24
2. 2) 欧州 ELV 指令:Directive on end-of life vehicles, Official Journal of the European Communities 21.10.2000, L 269/34.
3. 3) J-MOSS:日本工業規格「電気.電子機器の特定の化学物質の含有表示方法(The marking for presence of the specific chemical substances for electrical and electronic equipment)」,JIS C 0950,http://home.jeita.or.jp/eps/jmoss.html
4. 4) 中国版 RoHS:http://www.mii.gov.cn/art/2006/03/02/art_524_7343.html(中国商務部英語訳http://english.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/policyrelease/domesticpolicy/200605/20060502132549.html)
5. 5) 韓国版 RoHS:http://www.me.go.kr/dev/legislation/legislation_view.jsp?key=&search=&from=&to=&msbh=&title=&no=20060001&pg=5