1. 1) http://www.npl.co.uk/people/walter-rosenhain
2. 2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Rosenhain, http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-2830903737.html
3. 3) W. Rosenhain: Metallurgy, An Introduction to the Study of PhysicalMetallurgy, D.Van Nostrand Co., (1914). Forgotten Booksより原本(第一版,1914)を複写した本が販売されている。原本は第三版(1935)まで出版されている.
4. 4) W. Rosenhain, S. L. Archbutt and D. Hanson: Eleventh Report to the Alloys Research Committee on Some Alloys of Aluminium (Light Alloys), Inst. Mech. Eng. August, (1921).
5. 5) W. Rosenhain and S. L. Archbutt: J. Inst. Met., 11 (1911), 236–258.