1. INDOT Office of Research and Development, 1205 Montgomery Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 US, e-mail: yji@indot.in.gov
2. INDOT Office of Research and Development, 1205 Montgomery Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 US, e-mail: tnantung@indot.in.gov
3. INDOT Materials and Testing, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204 US, e-mail: nsiddiki@indot.in.gov
4. EI, Purdue Univ., Former Graduate Student, West Lafayette, IN 47906 US, e-mail: tliao@purdue.edu
5. Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Chosun Univ., 375, Seosuk-Dong, Dong-Gu, Gwangju, 501-759, KR, e-mail: dkimgeo@chosun.ac.kr