1. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Siirt University 1 , Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi A Blok, Kezer Yerleskesi, Siirt56100, Turkey
2. Department of Software Engineering, Istanbul Health and Technology University 2 , Istanbul34000, Turkey (Corresponding author), e-mail: muhammed.kocak@istun.edu.tr , ORCID link for author moved to before name tags https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2276-2658
3. Department of Civil Engineering Siirt University 3 , Siirt, 56100, Turkey , ORCID link for author moved to before name tags https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5365-4441
4. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Siirt University 4 , Kezer Kampüsü, Siirt, 56100, Turkey , ORCID link for author moved to before name tags https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9749-0418