Steel Quenching in Liquid Media under Pressure


Kobasko N. I.12


1. IQ Technologies, Inc. 1 , Akron, Ohio , and , Kyiv, Ukraine

2. Intensive Technologies Ltd. 1 , Akron, Ohio , and , Kyiv, Ukraine


It has been shown in earlier chapters that during nonstationary nucleate boiling, a self-regulated thermal process occurs, where the surface temperature of a part to be quenched is kept above the saturation temperature. This provides an opportunity to greatly affect the martensite transformation process by either retarding or accelerating it. There are two methods available. The first is to use additional pressure to increase the boiling point of the boundary liquid layer. The second is to use high-concentration aqueous solutions of salts or alkalis where the saturation temperature is increased. The use of both approaches is effective when quenching high-carbon steels where the martensite start temperature MS is less than 200°C (that is, MS≤200°C).


ASTM International100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

Reference33 articles.

1. Kobasko, N. I., Steel Quenching in Liquid Media Under Pressure, Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, January 17–19, 2007, pp. 98–103.

2. Kobasko, N. I., Kozdoba, L. A., and Moshnyanskiy, A. F., Solving Reverse Non-Linear Problems of Non-Stationary Thermal Conductivity on Electrical Models, Teplofizika i teplomekhanika, No. 31, 1976, pp, 25–29.

3. Kobasko, N. I., and Kasyanova, M. D., Study of Some Peculiarities of Non-Stationary Heat Transfer at Quenching, Teplofizika i teplotekhnika, No. 33, 1977, pp. 57–71.







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