1. College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, South China Univ. of Technology, Guangzhou, 510641 CN, e-mail: cthu@scut.edu.cn
2. College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, South China Univ. of Technology, Guangzhou, 510641 CN, e-mail: ma.jiexian@mail.scut.edu.cn
3. College of Materials Science and Engineering, South China Univ. of Technology, Guangzhou, 510641 CN, e-mail: jhon_123@qq.com
4. College of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510641 CN (Corresponding author), e-mail: chenzw@scut.edu.cn
5. College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510641 CN, e-mail: 824254938@qq.com