An Assessment On The Relationship Of Sustaınable Development And Natural Life Environments: Examples Of Eco Villages in Italy






Today, our living environment, our conditions, the density of the city, the difficulty of the struggle to live in the city push us to find an alternative life. This point, we come across eco-villages established for a sustainable, accessible alternative life. Eco-villages present a settlement model based on ecological living principles, with a vision of what a balanced, healthy, sustainable way of life is. The aim of this study is to examine the eco-villages in Italy, which is a model that can contribute to the solution of ecological problems, sustainable living environments, and the realization of natural life in the city, and which have successful examples in this field, and to make suggestions for Turkey on this level. The study was prepared using the qualitative method. In the study, the ecovillages of Torri Superiore, La Citta Della Luce, Campanara, La Comune di Bagnaia, which were selected as an example by literature review, were examined. The reason for choosing these eco-villages is that they are successful in eco-village formations in Italy. In the study, it has been found that eco-villages, which form a holism with their social, cultural, ecological and economic dimensions, develop local participatory processes, actively reorganize and renew the social and natural environments, prevent environmental pollution, and ensure the continuity of nature by minimizing the harmful behaviors of people. In this context, it can be said that eco-villages in Italy, which protect nature in many aspects and are nature friendly, can be an example for Turkey. Eco-village examples should be considered in order to rethink and evaluate the ecological structure of natural habitats, and each country should discuss its applicability within itself.


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