1. Researcher, Department of Public Health, Imo State University, Owerri
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common disease seen in males above 40 years as a result of progressive enlargement of the prostate. The prostate is usually the size of a pea at birth, increases slowly until puberty and then rapidly until 20 years of age to about adult size. In some cases, it continues enlarging above 40 years leading to benign prostatic hyperplasia. If properly controlled, the patient can continue the daily activities normally, but if left to progress, it can lead to complications which may lead to surgery. In the case presentation of the patient with lower urinary tract symptoms, he was initially managed for urinary tract infections with persistent symptoms, and was later managed for benign prostatic hyperplasia medically, thereby showing significant improvement with amelioration of symptoms.
Addaiyan International Publishers