Adana Darülmuallimin-i ibtidaisi/Adana Primary Teachers' School, which was established in 1892, had an unproductive period until 1908 due to various reasons such as lack of teachers in terms of quantity and quality, lack of interest from the public, and economic difficulties. In this study, the period of Adana Darülmuallimin-i ibtidai between 1908 and 1918 was examined. This period was also the period of the second Constitutional Monarchy and collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and important internal and external, political and military developments emerged. In this period, since the idea that an educated society would save the State was widespread among statesmen, education was desired to be improved in all respects. For this purpose, while new Darülmuallimins were opened, the existing Darülmuallimins were reformed in terms of education, staff and system. The new practices of Satı Bey in Istanbul Darülmuallimin were tried to be extended to the countryside. Legal regulations for new applications have not been neglected. In this context, Adana Darülmuallimin-i ibtidai was also reformed. However, since this period was the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Tripoli, Balkan and First World Wars that emerged were reflected in the Adana Darülmuallimin-i ibtidai. Some of the students and teachers coming from the lost lands were sent to Adana Darülmuallimin. In this study, the reform works of the period and how the wars affected Adana Darülmuallimin-i ibtidai were examined, especially based on archival documents. Events have been historically examined in a cause-effect relationship.
Cukurova Universitesi Turkoloji Arastırmaları Dergisi
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