1. Department of Physiology, University of Cyprus Medical School, Nicosia 2029, Cyprus
2. First Department of Clinical Oncology, ‘Theagenio’ Anticancer Hospital, Thessaloniki 546 39, Greece
3. Department of Cardiology, ‘Agioi Anargyroi’ General Oncology Hospital, Athens 145 64, Greece
4. Department of Cardiology, ‘Theagenio’ Anticancer Hospital, Thessaloniki 546 39, Greece
5. Department of Cardiology, AHEPA General Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 546 21, Greece
6. Department of Cardiology, ‘Agios Savvas’ General Anti‑Cancer Hospital, Athens 115 22, Greece
7. Department of Cardiology, Athens Euroclinic, Athens 115 21, Greece
8. Department of Therapeutics, ‘Alexandra’ General Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School, Athens 115 28, Greece