1. 1) Fisher L M., Shellfish sanitation, Reprint No.1178. from the Public Healthreports pp.1-10, 1927.
2. 3) Thorne-Thorne, Oysters & Certain other molluscs in relation to the occurence of disease in man. Report of the Medical officer of the Local Government Board, 1896.
3. 4) Conn W. H., Report on an outbrek of typhoid fever at Wesleyan University. Seventeenth Annual Report of the State Bd. of Health of the State of Connecticut.
4. 5) Bulstrode. H. T., Oysters & certain other molluscs in relation to the occurrence of disease in Man. Repoit of the Medical Officcer of the Local Government Bd. 1896.
5. 6) Lumsden & others, A typhoid fever epidemic caused by oyster-borne infection. Supplement No.50. to the Public Health Report. 1925.