Real-time scale monitoring prototype of aircraft systems through wireless communication


Paz Penagos HernanORCID,Awazacko-Awazacko Julian A.ORCID,Salazar-Madrigal Angelica M.ORCID,Galarza-Bogotá Cesar M.ORCID


Currently, there are aircraft tracking systems known as ACARS (Aircraft Communication Addressing And Reporting System), which are already able to provide certain information, however, this can only be used in very specific contexts, since information such as passengers or fuel used do not serve much to the maintenance area if you want to provide real-time support. Therefore, this research proposed the development of a prototype capable of real-time monitoring some of the systems of an aircraft and thus deliver the necessary information for good maintenance, monitoring, and support in real-time. For this case, the monitoring was performed on an RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System), since its acquisition or construction is more affordable; the flight prototype shed light on the behavior when acquiring and sending data frames inside the aircraft.


Universidad del Valle

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