Riascos-Pinchao Gloria Alejandra,Lozano-Triana Carlos,Camacho Moreno Germán,Landínez-Millán Guillermo
Disseminated staphylococcal disease comprises a set of clinical manifestations secondary to multiple organ invasion that may range from cellulitis to sepsis. In pediatrics, the most common complications are osteoarticular and cutaneous infection; however, this article presents rare manifestations such as glomerulonephritis and thrombotic phenomena. This is the report of two cases of previously healthy adolescents: one presented with osteomyelitis and kidney injury, and the other, with lower limb cellulitis and respiratory deterioration with septic pulmonary embolism. The diagnostic process and additional management are described, highlighting the role of oxacillin in therapy. This article aims to highlight the importance of considering the rare manifestations of S. aureus infection, when the clinical evolution is abnormal, in order to initiate a timely treatment and get a better prognosis.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia