Between 2010 and 2020 a study was conducted on the functionality of the ecological corridors within the San José de Matadepantano farm, a property of 811 ha located in plains piedmont, which alternates poorly drained savannas, swamps, and forests, with land uses for agriculture, livestock, and the infrastructure of a rural university campus. To evaluate the functionality of the forest corridors, length, amplitude, coverage area, and continuity metrics within the landscape were estimated using multiannual LANDSAT images; additionally, field visits were made to record possible forest gaps that could affect the flow of fauna through the corridors. In order to determine the functionality of the stream corridors, four sampling points were chosen along caños Tiestal and Güio, where physiographic and bathymetric profiles were modeled using the SURFER 15 software, in addition, spatial heterogeneity was calculated using the Shannon-Wiener index, physiognomy and floristic composition of the streamside vegetation was represented in scale graphic profiles, the percent distribution of aquatic habitats was determined and species diversity of fish communities was calculated. Findings obtained during the last decade allow us to conclude that the ecological corridors maintain their functionality with an active biotic flow in both forest and stream corridors. However, critical points were detected where the forests could lose their connectivity, which would affect the sustainability and transit of regional biodiversity.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Reference25 articles.
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