A Note on the Range of a Derivation


Bouhafsi Youssef,Ech-chad Mohamed,Zouaki Adil


Let H be a separable infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space, and let L(H) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators on H into itself. Given A, B ∈ L(H), define the generalized derivation δA, B ∈ L(L(H)) by δA, B(X) = AX - XB. An operator A ∈ L(H) is P-symmetric if AT = TA implies AT* = T* A for all T ∈ C1(H) (trace class operators). In this paper, we give a generalization of P-symmetric operators. We initiate the study of the pairs (A, B) of operators A, B ∈ L(H) such that R(δA, B) W* = R(δA, B) W*, where R(δA, B) W* denotes the ultraweak closure of the range of δA, B. Such pairs of operators are called generalized P-symmetric. We establish a characterization of those pairs of operators. Related properties of P-symmetric operators are also given.


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


General Mathematics

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