Currently, the demand for new arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancr.) varieties has increased in Colombia; however, yields are still below their potential. This is because farmers in the country still find it challenging to adopt innovations that allow them to improve both productivity and their income. Furthermore, there is limited information and scientific documentation on arracacha cultivation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the factors influencing the adoption of innovations for cultivating arracacha in the municipality of Cajamarca, Colombia, through a multivariate analysis. The research was carried out with 104 farmers, and surveys containing variables such as the productive activity dynamics and the profile of the farmer were applied. Two conglomerates (clusters) of adopters were created, and the innovation adoption index (INAI) was analyzed in eight categories, including 28 technologies. The factors that were most differentiated and significant were those related to the farm, such as management, organization and health indexes, as well as factors related to farmer characteristics, such as level of schooling.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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