Saraiva de Ávila Karla,Schneider-Canny Raquel,Rockenbach de Ávila Mariana,Dall’Agnol Miguel,Da Motta Eder Alexandre
The use of forage species adapted to the local environment allows an easier management, and greater production and stability. It also allows the conservation of the natural genetic resources, and the reduction of the costs and risks of production that further result in higher sustainability of the system. Forage quality may not be considered as important as biomass production in many forage systems. However, when forage plants constitute most or all of the ruminant diet it assumes substantially greater importance. Therefore, the goal of this study was to evaluate the crude protein (CP) content of hybrids of P. plicatulum x P. guenoarum, in a region of Southern Brazil in the Pampa biome. The hybrids evaluated were: 10202, 1020104, 102084, 102080, 1020133, 102058, 102069 (P. plicatulum “4PT” x P. guenoarum “Azulão”), 103063, 10308, 103042, 103040, 103061, 103077, 103087, 103093, 103031, 103020, 103084, and 103037 (P. plicatulum “4PT” x P. guenoarum “Baio”). The CP analyzes were performed on the leaves of the genotypes in each harvest. The hybrid 102069 “Azulão” presented the best CP content (16.4%) compared to the other genotypes in both years. These results are encouraging for forage breeding studies with species of the genus Paspalum.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Agronomy and Crop Science
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