Evaluation of the Biostability of Elodea (Egeria densa) and Orange Peel as Bioadsorbent Materials for Pb (II) and Cr (III) in Solution


Melo Páez Adriana C.ORCID,Narvaez Flórez Silvia Y.ORCID,Mosquera Vivas Carmen S.,Calvo Saad Maria J.ORCID


A variety of plant-based materials can be used in innovative methods to treat water pollution through bio-adsorption. This work evaluated, under lab conditions, the presence of native microorganisms in orange peel (OP) and elodea (Egeria densa, ELO), the aerobic degradation and biostability of the bio-adsorbents, and the contribution of microorganisms to the bio-adsorption of Pb (II) and Cr (III). The microbial characterization and biostability of OP and ELO were conducted using 2 g of dried bio-adsorbent and a solution of the metallic ions at 450 mg/L. ELO had a larger number of bacteria, fungi, and yeast than OP. After 2 hours of contact with a 450 mg/L Pb (II) and Cr (III) solution, this value decreased by 80-86% in both bio-adsorbents. After 25 days, the microorganisms showed adaptation to the Pb (II) and Cr (III) concentrations. According to the bio-degradation test, OP had a stability of over 7,01 months, while that of ELO was 2,61 months, with a CO2 value of 1 439,9 mg after 46 days of incubation. The microorganisms tolerated a high metal concentration, but they did not contribute significantly to Cr (III) bio-adsorption in ELO. The microorganisms present in the adsorbents affect the stability of the materials, as the bio-adsorbents provide a nutrient-rich substrate. OP had higher bio-stability and could be used in pilot tests for the treatment of metal-polluted water.


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


General Engineering,Building and Construction

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