A new algorithm for detecting and correcting bad pixels in infrared images


Restrepo Girón Andrés David,Loaiza Correa Humberto


An image processing algorithm detects and replaces abnormal pixels individually, highlighting them amongst their neighbours in a sequence of thermal images without affecting overall texture, like classical filtering does. Bad pixels from manufacture or constant use of a CCD device in an IR camera are thus detected and replaced with a very good success rate, thereby reducing the risk of bad interpretation. Some thermal sequences from CFRP plates, taken by a Cincinnati Electronics InSb IR camera, were used for developing and testing this algorithm. The results were compared to a detailed list of bad pixels given by the manufacturer (about 70% coincidence). This work becomes relevant considering that the number of papers on this subject is low; most of them talk about astronomical image pre-processing. Moreover, thermographic non-destructive testing (TNDT) techniques are gaining popularity in Colombia at introductory levels in industrial sectors such as energy generation and transmission, sugar production and military aeronautics.


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


General Engineering,Building and Construction

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