Sequential plantations of rice, edamame soybeans, and peanuts as a product of alternative and mineral fertilization in the Roraima Cerrado in Brazil


Smiderle Oscar JoséORCID,Souza Aline das GraçasORCID,De Oliveira Jane Maria FrancoORCID,Dias Thiago JardelinoORCID


The objective of this study was to determine the production of sequential rice, soybean, and peanut plantations as a function of mineral and alternative fertilization. To meet the objectives of the work, three independent experiments were carried out in the Experimental Field of Embrapa in Brazil. The first experiment was with rice BRS Sertaneja, conducted in the period from May to September in two agricultural years (2009 and 2010), with the purpose of evaluating the yield, germination, and vigour of BRS Sertaneja rice seeds as a function of mineral and alternative fertilization. The second experiment was performed with soybeans BRS 258 and the strain BR9452273, which were evaluated in the period from October to January in two years (2009/2010 and 2010/2011), to determine the agronomic attributes of green grain production (R6 stage). In the third experiment, BRS 151 L-7 (red) and 184 AM L-7 (cream) peanut crops were cultivated from February to April in two years (2010 and 2011), to determine the yield of pods and grains, weight of 100 pods, weight of 100 seeds, weight of husks, weight in seeds of 100 pods, relative grain yield in relation to pods (RR, %), and grain yield. Intermediate fertilization is indicated to increase the yield of peanut pods and grains BRS 151 L-7 and 184 AM L-7 in the highlands of the Roraima Cerrado in Brazil.


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Soil Science,Agronomy and Crop Science

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