The present study aimed to evaluate different irrigation scheduling strategies on capsicum growth and yield inprotected environment. The experiment was carried out at the Northeastern of Brazil. Five irrigation scheduling techniques to define water depth (weighing lysimeter, Hargreaves-Samani equation, Piché evaporimeter, tensiometer and soil moisture sensor) andtwo application frequencies (F1-once a day and F2-alternating frequency) were tested. A completely randomized factorial design experiment was installed in a 5 x 2 factorial scheme, with eight replicates. It was observed that the variables stem diameter and leaf area index were influenced by the irrigation scheduling techniques, and treatments based on Hargreaves-Samani and lysimeter scheduling methods led to the lowest values. Fruit biometric parameters were significantly affected only by the Hargreaves-Samani treatment. It can be concluded that both irrigation scheduling techniques and frequencies influenced capsicum growth and yield. Furthermore, irrigation management techniques based on soil sensors caused the highest yields.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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