Life table of Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) feeding on Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) eggs


Avellaneda Nieto Jhon Alexander,Cantor Rincón Fernando,Rodriguez Caicedo Daniel


To use a natural enemy to control an insect pest, it is important to determine the biological parameters of the native populations of the predator. The goal of this study was determinate the biological parameters of O. insidiosus fed on Sitotroga cerealella eggs. A batch of 225 O. insidiosus eggs were laid into bean pods. The bean pods were kept in glass jars, and the eggs and first instar nymphs were counted daily. All nymphs were extracted and individualized in Petri dishes. The presence/absence of exuvie was observed daily as a way to assess the emergence of adults from the nymphal stage. Seventeen adult couples were placed into Petri dishes with a segment of bean pod. The bean pod segments were extracted and replaced daily, counting the number of eggs present on the pods. The life cycle, survival percentage, sex ratio, male/female longevity, pre ovoposition, ovoposition and post ovoposition periods were determined. Finally, fertility life table parameters were estimated. The nymphal development time was 12.0 ± 0.22 days, with 80.47 % ± 3.23 survival, while the total development time was 15.0 ± 0.23 days, with 66.67 % ± 1.90 survival. Of the total adults that emerged, 30.95 % ± 2.38 were females. The female sex ratio was 0.75, and the oviposition period was 0.86 ± 9.21 days with a total fertility of 60.29 ± 7.39 eggs. The data estimated from the fertility life table were: Ro: 28.26, rm: 0.14, T: 24.26, λ: 1.13 and DT: 5.01.


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Horticulture,Agronomy and Crop Science,Animal Science and Zoology,Food Science,Forestry

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