1. Adam, J. The Republic of Plato.2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1902.
2. Aeschylus. The Complete Greek Tragedies, Volume I: Aeschylus. Eds. David Grene and Richmond Lattimore. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1959.
3. Annas, J. An Introduction to Plato’s Republic.New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.
4. Aristophanes. Aristophanes, 3: The Suits, Clouds, Birds. Eds. David R. Slavitt and Palmer Bovie. Trans. Greg Delanty, Carol Poster, and Paul Muldoon with Richard Martin. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.
5. Bloom, A. The Republic of Plato: Translated with Notes and an Interpretative Essay. New York: Basic Books, 1991.