On birds of Santander-Bio Expeditions, quantifying the cost of collecting voucher specimens in Colombia


Arbeláez-Cortés EnriqueORCID,Villamizar-Escalante DanielaORCID,Rondón-González FernandoORCID


Several scientific reasons support continuing bird collection in Colombia, a megadiverse country with modest science financing. Despite the recognized value of biological collections for the rigorous study of biodiversity, there is scarce information on the monetary costs of specimens. We present results for three expeditions conducted in Santander (municipalities of Cimitarra, El Carmen de Chucurí, and Santa Barbara), Colombia, during 2018 to collect bird voucher specimens, quantifying the costs of obtaining such material. After a sampling effort of 1290 mist net hours and occasional collection using an airgun, we collected 300 bird voucher specimens, representing 117 species from 30 families. Such collection represents one of the largest series obtained during the historical ornithological exploration of Santander. We report differences among expeditions regarding the capture rate in mist nets, as well as differences in the sizes of taxa collected by mist nets and airgun. We discuss results in the context of previous ornithological expeditions in Colombia, commenting issues on the biology of some species, particularly those considered as noteworthy records (e.g., Red-legged Tinamou [Crypturellus erythropus], Cinnamon Screech Owl [Megascops petersoni], Saffron-headed Parrot [Pyrilia pyrilia], Black Inca [Coeligena prunellei], and Chestnut-crowned Gnateater [Conopophaga castaneiceps]). We calculated that the costs of obtaining and curating a specimen in Colombia, including tissues for molecular analysis, was ~US$60.4 (~$196 176 COP), which is among published costs of obtaining voucher specimens in other taxa and countries. These costs must be considered an investment in scientific capital because voucher specimens will provide biological information for hundreds of years.


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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