
Duzlevski Ivan


In this paper author points to the importance of digitalization of the Serbian judiciary. With the entry into the third decade of the 21st century, the issue of digitalization, actualized by the Covid-19 pandemic, has significantly exceeded the current need to reorganize the work of state bodies, competent institutions and communication with citizens, and thus adapt them to new health and social circumstances. In the sector of the judiciary, which independently seeks to solve a large number of old cases, greater efficiency and lower consumption, the need for digitalization is even more pronounced. The paper analyzes the use of existing digital forms in criminal proceedings (digital evidence) and gives a brief overview of certain comparative legal decisions on the digitalization of the judiciary, points out the goals and benefits of implementing this process in our country, while emphasizing the importance of adhering to EU standards on this path in order to avoid or minimize potential abuses and violations of human rights and freedoms.


Institut za uporedno pravo; Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja

Reference6 articles.

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