EU approach towards violence against women and domestic violence – new EU Directive


Gasmi Gordana


European Union (EU) approach towards violence against women and domestic violence is analyzed through interconnection with principles of gender equality and nondiscrimination. The combination of gender-based discrimination and gender inequality with other forms of discrimination (economic, political, etc.) very often result in specific forms of violence against women. EU acceded the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence of the Council of Europe in June 2023, which was spiritus movens for the adoption of the new EU Directive in this field. Achievements and shortcomings of this Directive are presented, as well as its significance within existing relevant EU primary and secondary legislation. New legislation criminalizes the following offences across the EU: female genital mutilation, forced marriage, non-consensual sharing of intimate images, cyber stalking, cyber harassment and cyber incitement to hatred or violence. However, criminalization of rape is lacking due to the absence of agreement of the constitutional element of sexual consent. Instead, prevention of rape and raising awareness of the importance of central role of consent are included. Taking into account the problem of secondary victimization, the Directive regulates rules on the measures of assistance and protection to victims that are to be secured by Member States, who are obliged to implement Directive in three years period. Directive gains special significance when taking into account relevant official data on violence against women in the EU. This Directive is to be considered the step forward in the direction of realization of gender equality de facto.


Institute of Comparative Law

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