1. AGRE , P. (1996): Mensaje enviado. Sun, 26, May, 1996 17: 23: 15-0700 (PDT), a la lista Red Rock Eater. http:// communication.ucsd.edu/pagre/rre.html
2. AGRE , P. (1997): Designing Effective Action Alerts for the Internet. Mensaje enviado 17/9/97 a RedRockEater. Ver también en: http://communication.ucsd.edu/pagre/
3. BJORN, M. & YUE CHEN, Y. (1996): «The Worldwide Market: Living with the Realities of Censorship on the Internet». Webnet’96. San Francisco 15-19 octubre de 1996, http://curry.edschool.Virginia.EDU/aace/conf/webnet/html/ 108/108.htm
4. FINANCIAL TIMES (1995): «Plan by Telecom Authority to Exercise Control Over Internet Disturbs Foreign Investors and Agency». London: Financial Times, Sept. 19, 1995.
5. IBAÑEZ, A. (1997): Editorial. iWorld , suplemento de PCWorld 135, Oct. 1997.