Analysis of the main indicators of dental care in Ukraine for 2022


Mazur I.P.,Chernenko L.M.,Polanska L.O.,Komisarenko V.M.,Segin L.V.,Vakhnenko O.M.,Mazur P.V.


The article presents an analysis of the results of state and industry statistical reports of health care institutions submitted to the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of the Ukraine in 2023. In 2022, 16,004 dentists provided dental care to the population of Ukraine in 4,418 institutions of various types of ownership. There is a decrease in the number of dental healthcare institutions in Ukraine from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022: by 14 % in the public sector (1,359 institutions in 2020, and 1,172 in 2022), by 36 % in the private sector (5,084 institutions in 2020, and 3,246 in 2022). The human resources for the dental industry decreased by 28 % compared to 2020 (22,180 dentists). In the public sector, 10,081 specialists provide dental care (12,601 dentists in 2020), in the private sector, 5,551 specialists (8,940 dentists in 2020). The indicator of provision of dental personnel in Ukraine, which was 3.9 doctors per 10,000 population in 2022, including dentists in institutions of all types of ownership and subordination, reduced compared to 2020 (5.4). A decrease in the amount of dental care for residents of Ukraine according to the main indicators has its basis, namely: the change in the funding of dental care, two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and a full-scale war from 2022 caused significant fluctuations in the indicators in the regions of the Ukraine.


Publishing House Zaslavsky


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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