Professional training and continuing professional development of masters in dentistry under the extreme conditions of COVID-19 and martial law in Ukraine


Kulbashna Ya.A.,Skrypnyk I.L.


The III Scientific and practical conference with international participation “Professional training of dentistry specialists in the extreme conditions of modernity”, which was held on April 26–27, 2023 at the Dental Medical Center of the Bogomolets National Medical University, was devoted to the issues of continuous dental education in Ukraine in the conditions of war. The conference was organized by the Ukrainian Association of Dental Education (UADE), where the chairman of the organizing committee was the president of the UADE, professor Yaroslava Kulbashna and the deputy chairman — vice president of the UADE, associate professor Iryna Skrypnyk. It was very pleasant to feel the support of the rectorate of the Bogomolets National Medical University — its rector Yuriy Kuchin, vice rectors, professors Oleksandr Naumenko, Rimma Skrypnyk and Oleksandr Kanyura, president of the NGO «Ukrainian Dental Association», professor Iryna Mazur, director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, professor Tatiana Vezhnovets, members of the UADE and the student council of the dental faculty. The representative level of the guests and participants of the event showed that despite the war in our country, the topic of continuing education of future dentists, interns and doctors is in the focus of attention of government officials in the field of education and medicine, teachers, students, postgraduate students of higher medical and postgraduate education institutions. In particular, the event was attended by First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine, professor Serhiy Dubrov, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Inna Sovsun, director of the Department of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, candidate of historical sciences Olena Shapovalova.


Publishing House Zaslavsky


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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