Ethical standards in pediatrics: who is a “good pediatrician”?


Beketova H.V.ORCID,Volosovets O.P.ORCID,Horiacheva I.P.ORCID,Soldatova O.V.,Nazar O.V.ORCID


This article discusses the issues of modern ethical standards in pediatrics, considers the essence of the concept “a good pediatrician”. The key components of the practical professional activity of a pediatrician, such as honesty and integrity, reliability and responsibility, respect for others, compassion and sensitivity, self-improvement, self-awareness and knowledge of the professional limits of providing medical care, connections and cooperation, altruism and protection the interests of the patient and members of his/her family are considered by the authors. Information is provided regarding the basic ethical principles, duties and competencies of the practical professional activity of a pediatrician in the American healthcare system and the ethical principles of a doctor’s activity in Ukraine. The standards of behavior of a pediatrician are described, according to which he can be evaluated both by medical students, residents and colleagues, as well as by parents, which is necessary for providing quality medical care to children and adolescents. The reasons for the formation of conflict situations in the pediatrician’s practice and approaches to their effective resolution are considered, as well as the role of confidentiality and collegiality.


Publishing House Zaslavsky


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference25 articles.



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