Theoretical foundations of hydroacoustics and ocean acoustics


Butyrskiy Evgeniy11


1. St. Petersburg State University


The textbook was written in accordance with the program of the discipline "Theoretical foundations of hydroacoustics and ocean acoustics". The manual discusses the characteristics of the acoustic environment, mathematical models of the propagation of acoustic waves in the ocean, methods for solving wave equations, the main physical phenomena associated with the transmission of acoustic energy over distances, types of sound velocity distribution and the corresponding acoustic ray trajectories, focusing factors and anomalies. Much attention is paid to the principles of emission and reception of hydroacoustic waves, the characteristics of the primary and secondary hydroacoustic fields, as well as models of noise and interference in the ocean and sound propagation in a statistically homogeneous medium. Particular attention is paid to determining the range of hydroacoustic means. The textbook is intended for cadets of the radio engineering department of the Naval Polytechnic Institute, but can be used by cadets and university students specializing in this field, as well as teachers and specialists in the field of hydroacoustics.


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Reference78 articles.

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